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Ideas for a Startup


In this particular article we have shared different ideas for a startup. Sometimes it is difficult to get the ideas for startup. Here we will discuss what the way to get perfect startup idea is.

We have also included startup ideas for students, startup ideas for women, and startup ideas for engineers. Further you will see different startup companies in pune, startup ideas in pune.

So welcome to the best startup business ideas! Startup ideas in India / startup ideas 2020 / startups in pune / startup India / startupwala.


Imagine a cashier at your local grocery store. How much do they earn for every hour they work? Maybe around $12, maybe more, maybe less, the exact number isn't important. Now consider the manager at your bank. How much do they earn? Harder to say, but probably over $50 an hour. Now the cashier may work fewer hours than the bank manager, but that's not the point here. The point is that for every hour the bank manager works, he earns more than four times as much as the cashier, why? Well, quite simply, because time doesn't have a fixed ratio or a fixed relationship to production or to income.

Consider as another example, Sara Blakely, the billionaire founder of Spanx. Now, Sara definitely put in her hours, pounding the pavement, peddling Spanx from store to store for years to build the brand and to this day, she's a hard working lady. But if today, Sara decided she wanted to take the week off and she spent all 168 hours curled up in bed, eating bonbons and binge watching her favourite TV series, how much money do you think Sara would earn? Even without lifting a finger, Spanx would continue to fly off department store shelves and dollars would continue to fly into her company's bank account. Sara would be growing richer by the hour, without even putting a pair of Spanx on.

 The math seems weird. How can one person be clocking hours for $12 each, well another earns $50, and still another is bringing in hundreds of thousands whilst just sitting on her assets?

Here are some of the startup ideas. Finally, a warning. If you try to cut corners and get rich quick with one of these ideas that really requires time and energy and effort, then most likely, you'll just wind up wasting your time and anything else you invest into the venture.


The first-high paying opportunity that I want to share with you today, is ecommerce and specifically, drop shipping. Now drop shipping is basically when you sell physical products online, but you don't warehouse them yourself. And generally, you don't ship them to the customer yourself either. Instead, you are selling products that another company, a manufacturer produces and when someone purchases one of those products from your website, you then tell the manufacturer, typically with an automated software, that that product has been ordered and the manufacturer ships it directly to the customer.

Now you can also build a different type of e-commerce business that sells physical products and you aren't a drop shipping, where you are actually warehousing the products yourself. However, most people would agree that it will be much easier and require a much smaller investment if you do go the drop shipping route because storing products and shipping them can be very expensive. If you do your market research and you find a product that there is good demand for, there is a huge opportunity for profit here.

Obviously, there is an infinite opportunity for selling physical products online. This very general industry generates billions and billions of dollars every year and you can find your spot in that market. However, keep in mind that this is a business, like all of the ones we're going to see, that does require a fair amount of initial investment of time and energy, because you have to work to find the right products that there is a good demand for your store. And then after that, you're going to have to put in a lot of effort to effectively market your store so that you can stand out from the crowd and get found by your customers.

If you do go the drop shipping route, though, it's not going to require much of an initial investment. It won't be free, because you will have to initially buy some products to ensure quality of these physical products that you're selling. But you aren't going to need to spend more than a few hundred or a couple thousand dollars at most.


Another type of physical product business that you could start has a really different business model. Instead of you selling the products on your own site and having them be shipped for the manufacturer, you're selling websites on a third party platform. Specifically, the common way that people do this is with Amazon. Amazon has a program called Amazon FBA which means Fulfilment by Amazon. And basically what it means, is that you send your products that you're going to sell to the Amazon warehouse and then whenever someone buys one of those products, Amazon actually sends it to the customer. They deal with all the transactions and they also deal with all of the customer service.

This business model is similar to drop shipping, but it definitely has some different pros and cons. Now, specifically, because you're working with a very well-known company, Amazon, you can trust them more than maybe you could trust a manufacturer that you don't have as much knowledge or experience working with, so that you know that Amazon is in fact, going to ship the product to the customers reliably. However, on the other side of things, there are some more unknowns, because with Amazon FBA, you do have to invest more money up-front because you have to buy your products and then have them shipped to Amazon. This means you might invest several thousand dollars in your initial batch of products and you may not be sure whether or not these products will actually sell.

And that means that it's even more important with this business model, that you do plenty of upfront research to ensure that there is demand. And it can also be very helpful, like, you definitely should do this, to learn how the Amazon algorithms work to make sure that your products will rank well on Amazon so that you can ensure that you get the sales that you need in order to recoup your investment and earn profits.

Now, one of the reasons why doing Amazon FBA can be so incredibly profitable, is because Amazon already has an enormous customer base. And so it's easier to actually generate sales with your products, than if you're trying to sell the products on your own website where you have to drive all the traffic, you have to get all the attention, all the exposure for your products. On Amazon, you're going to get some of that built in. So you are potentially able to do a much larger volume of sales, which means more profits. Also, as you can see, this doesn't really require any specialized skills or previous experience. You need to learn how the FBA program works and you need to learn how to do market research. But beyond that, you're selling a physical product. So you're not having to provide any sort of service or anything like that to customers that you need to have the technical skills in order to be able to provide well.


Within the next type of business that I want to share with you, there are many different options for specific versions of this business that you could start. The type of business is an agency. You can start an agency even if you don't have much experience or the technical skills to do the work that the agency might provide to the clients yourself. An agency is a certain type of business model where you have multiple people working for you that are providing services to clients. There are lots of different types of agencies out there that you could potentially start.

These include digital marketing agencies, advertising agencies, creative agencies, social media management agencies, virtual assistant agencies, and online business management agencies, just to name a few. Now, as I mentioned, you don't necessarily need to have the technical skills yourself. You don't need to be skilled or familiar with all of the intricacies of running an online marketing campaign, or of managing an online business or of doing all of the different tasks that a virtual assistant might do.

However, in order to be successful with this business model, you'll definitely need to have a general understanding of how this field works and how the work needs to get done, so that you can make sure that you hire service providers to work for you, who are actually good at what they do. Now, this type of business does require time and effort to build because you have to take the time to find the right people to work for you, who are actually very skilled at what they do and then you have to take time to market your business to attract the customers who will be paying your business to provide services for them.

However, it's again not going to require a very much initial investment of money because you providing a service. And typically, you'll only be paying the service providers when you have client work for them to do. Though it doesn't require a big upfront investment, an agency-style business often has a significant monthly overhead, which just means that your fixed expenses every month, can be fairly substantial. Those are just a few things to keep in mind if you're interested in starting an agency business. But an agency business can be extremely profitable. And especially it can allow you to create a large amount of profit for yourself to earn a lot of money, without necessarily having to put in a lot of hours of work every single week, since you have employees or contractors who are working for you to provide the services to the clients, so you aren't doing that service work yourself.


The fourth high-paying opportunity that you can do with very little skill and experience, is one of my favourites and it is to create and sell an online course. What's great about selling online courses, is that first of all, anyone can do it. But second of all, the expense associated with creating and marketing an online course is very low. You honestly could make an online course using just the camera in your phone and free software online. And then you could start selling it and start making even money without having to invest any money of your own upfront.

Now at first, you might think that this type of business or opportunity really would require some skills to get started with because you have to have some sort of skills that you're teaching in your online course. And while that is true, I'm confident that you do have some marketable skills. These might not be skills that you think of right now as marketable skills, but there are things that you are good at, experiences that you have had in the past that you could share with others so that they could learn from them. These don't necessarily have to be business skills or skills that a client would need done for them.

But if you have any sort of hobby that you are skilled at all, that's something that you could turn into a course that could turn into profit for you. The reason why selling courses does require time and energy and effort in order to start making money with, is because you have to invest the time initially to create the course, but even more than that, you have to spend the time and effort to market the course. You have to do market research, to find the right customers and figure out how to best talk to them, to explain to them the benefits of your course. You need to invest effort and take time to get the word out about your course to people to even find out about it and you have to convince those people to buy.

It takes time to get these things right. Most people spend several months, if not a year or two, before they're able to build their audience to a large enough size, that they're able to support themselves with their core sales. But this still is a huge opportunity because the profit margins are so good and the online course industry is growing every single year. Every single year new, people are deciding to start taking online courses and are investing more and more money into programs like this.


The final type of highly-profitable business that I'm going to share with you, is that of running a membership or a subscription program. There are two different ways that you could do this. But both of them are similar in that, you're providing something to your customers every single month that they are paying you for on a recurring basis. So instead of just buying a product from you one time, your customers are signed up or subscribed to pay every single month. The most typical version of this that we've seen in the past has been magazine subscriptions.

But the two versions that I'll mention now is, one, an online subscription. This is often called a membership site. And in this type of business, you provide a website with content to your customers, your customers pay you every single month to continue to have access to this material. Most often, this is educational material, but it could be any sort of digital material that your customers or subscribers are paying you to have access for.

Another version of this subscription model that you could consider, would be selling subscription boxes that you deliver to your customers every month. They initially sign up, but then they pay you every single month for a package that you mail them containing items that are centred around a certain theme. The more profitable version of this business, definitely tends to be the digital version of a membership site because the expenses for that business model, will be much lower, which means you're able to keep very large profits every single month.

Now the great thing about starting a membership site like this is that your profits will snowball from one month to the next. As you work every single month to acquire new customers, you will experience a little bit of churn where some of your customers decide to discontinue their subscription. But the majority of your subscribers, if you're running your site well, will stick around. And that means that every single month, you will have more members than the previous month, which means that you will have more subscription payments coming in, and you'll be making more money, month after month even if you're working exactly the same amount each month, or even you take some time off.

As I mentioned earlier on, all of the different opportunities that I've discussed in this article, do require a fairly large, initial upfront investment of time and energy. You're not going to start making money from them right off the bat.


How to start a profitable business taking the risks? We gathered over five small investment business ideas that can bring you a huge profit. So let’s see the startup ideas for students.


If you want to start an online store but are on a tight budget drop shipping from such platforms as Amazon, eBay, AliExpress etc. is a way to go. You can deliver clothes accessories cosmetics and pretty much anything that comes to your mind and you think people would love to buy. Shopify templates are the easiest way to start such a store. Two of the great examples are Yellow Bag and Mira Shopify themes.


Become a YouTube creator or start a blog YouTube has taken off in the recent years. Now it's attracting billions of people every day while some of them are watching and some are creating the content. YouTube encourages the creators with a possibility to monetize their channels and get profit from the number of views, likes, comments and shares. So if you have something engaging to tell your audience why not start your own vlog or a game streaming channel on YouTube for a personal blog such Word Press themes as Hanna or Henry Stoun will work great.


If you're passionate about photography making videos or music why not make it profitable. Start your own stock photography video or music website and offer some of your creations for free and sell your best work at a reasonable price. CPM, Raymond Jones or Landscape Word Press themes are the ones that you'll need to start the website in a couple clicks.


People love creative and stylish clothes and they also like to stand out from the crowd. Offer them a way to make their pieces of clothes and accessories look unique and outstanding by started a clothes-printing services startup and Printanet website template will help you attract more customers.


If you can create beautiful things such as scrapbooks, candles, soap bars, jewellery why not sell them? Word Press themes going with a Woo Commerce plugin can be a great helps in their extremely easy to work with Craftoruos or Craftwork templates are the ones that will perfectly suit this purpose.


If you are skilled enough and can cope with client’s projects yourself start offering services that people may need. Start a website and present your portfolio if your web designer a photographer a hair stylist or a content marketer or turn it into a modern looking CV if you're a personal trainer a tutor, or a handyman. For a Web designer Skyflypro is a great choice.



I mean, especially for women, we are here with many business ideas - but boys can also do these businesses. So, let’s know the startup ideas for women.


Are you surprised? It's a matter of being surprised. You may be thinking why did I suggest such a Common Business? And this business is for boys. Hey, you can yourself make this Common Business Uncommon. But this business is for those who live in the city. Those who live in the villages do not do this business. So listen to the idea. Although, if you are a woman, you can do this business. You just need a little bit of capital and a little bit of intelligence. And the labours will do the work.

If you have more capital then you can open Offline Store, if not then online and Home Delivery. The Offline Store will be of clothes like a shopping mall. Where all the products will already be measured, and the price will be written on the packets. Customers will collect products as their wish and will add them to their cart. You only need to maintain stock and collect cash. With this, you can also do Home Delivery and Online Selling. For Home Delivery, you can collect Order by Phone or By What Sapp. And for product delivery, you have to keep Delivery Boy with Motorcycle or Scooter. And Van for delivery of heavy product.

But you do not have to buy Motorcycle or Van. Those who have, take them in the work. And if you want to sell a product online then you will need website or App. If you can invest ten thousand money you can easily get a professional Website & App. In this case, you can mention which areas you will give service. To create Website App, you can search in Google and by any local developer you can make it or order someone at But I would prefer to make it done by a local developer.


If you are a woman, then you can open a Ladies Cloth Centre. You all know, if a woman goes to buy their own clothes, then they feel uneasy if there is any male in the shop. So if there are Ladies in stores then your sales will increase. However, you have to keep A to Z ladies products. Now let's go to the Advanced Level. If you have a little more budget and if your fashion sense is better, than you can also go towards Production. But it requires a lot of experience and money. Firstly to open a Textile Company you should have a good sense about clothes. Secondly, you have to know all kinds of tailor work.

Although many would say, it is not essential, but I will say it is essential. Because, if you do not work, then you cannot work with labour. Learning Tailoring is not something difficult. You can learn it from a local tailor. Or you can take a vocational course on Tailoring. Contact the institutions where Vocational Course is done, and take a course of 6 months. After this comes, Marketing - marketing means that you can sell your Product Online / Offline wherever you wish. But selling online is of less trouble and the profit will be more.

To sell online you can use these sites such as, Amazon, Flip kart, Myntra, Zivame or you can also create your own website. However, before selling your product in third-party websites, read their policy details thoroughly.


Due to the increase in the price of gold day-by-day women are attracted more towards Imitations. And today, many people cannot even differentiate between imitations and gold. As a woman, you can open an Imitation Jewellery store, but do not forget to keep cosmetics side-by-side. You can also keep products related to women's privacy. If a woman opens such a store, then it will not just move, but it will run successfully.


In this business women were not involved before, but presently it has become a very profitable business idea for women-especially for the fancy or modern women, it is a great business idea. In this business you does not have to invest and there is not much hard work, so women can easily do this business. You can make a farm using a variety of species of animals like dogs, rodents, colourful fishes, rabbits, rare birds.

You do not have to go to the market to sell these, Pet lovers will automatically find you. But if you are unsuccessful in selling from your farm, then give a report to those who sell Pets in the market. After that you will see. Otherwise, you can upload picture of your pets in Facebook. Remember, if you can take care of your pets and if the quality remains good, then there will be no shortage of your customer. But to do this business you have to be very careful.


Similar to Pets Farming, Nursery or Gardening is another Careful Business Idea. If you have a hobby of gardening then you can convert it to your business. If I say, have you ever seen any thorn less rose plant? You will say, what rubbish i am talking about. Yes there is, different species of plants are produced by research in various research centres. Similarly rose plant without thorns has also been discovered. And a single branch of these plants have been sold at a price of 25-30 thousand rupees.

If you have a little space empty, then you can open a Nursery there - you can contact nearest agricultural science centres for help. And there you'll get the training of how to attend. So what are you waiting for - Get training and start over.


We have put some startup ideas for engineer, especially electrical engineer. First visit all small companies nearer to your town. Or go to industrial area and check with small business owners. Just 50 people contact will help you. Come out of your home, town, and city.  Try to connect with experts. Though it is not easy, it will help for long term. 


Especially in low power regions, a voltage stabilizer manufacturing can work extremely well. Buying a voltage stabilizer becomes important as without it appliances like refrigerator, water heater and much more can’t work properly.


This is a home business that you can do with a service toolkit. You can offer your services to small and medium scale businesses who really don’t have a service schedule for their equipment.


Electrical engineers can work online on a freelance basis on some websites such as freelancer, or Up work. This offers flexible work schedules as well as negotiable service charges.  There are several electrical design jobs available online.


This is a great way to make money if you work on general home appliance needs like electronic mosquito killer, electronic healthcare gadgets etc. You can build your own Wireless Home Security gadgets with surveillance cameras.  Provision and servicing of home security systems for individuals and small businesses are highly lucrative.


The cooling solution market keeps growing on a yearly basis.  Installation of cooling systems for corporate bodies is highly lucrative.  Corporate bodies are seeking to make their environment more conducive to business and this makes them request cooling system installation.


LED connotes light emitting diode.  LED has become increasingly famous now. There are various colours of LED lights available  now which range from 2700K to 6500K,  and they may be yellow, dark, mild yellow  as well as ultra-white.  Building a full scale LED light production business requires a large-scale factory business operation with a complex manufacturing process.  Interestingly though, anyone can start an LED light assembling business on a small or medium scale. 


The electronic pump controller is a new upgraded product which is gaining attention now.  It has the capacity to stop the pump automatically.  It is used for both industrial and household purposes. It also has the ability to safeguard the pump from damage that results from dry-running.  This business can also be initiated with little capital. Electronic fan regulator is made up of TRIAC, discs and potent isometric resistances to enhance step-less regulation of fan speed.  This is an important household item.  An electronic fan regulator simply regulates fan speed and it is one of the best lucrative ideas for an electrical engineer.


Electronic toys are imported into various countries.  Electronic remote controlled toys are very famous in countries like India.  That means a readily acceptable market awaits you.


These are consulting services that help businesses to be more eco-friendly.  You can go into green business if you possess a combination of electrical engineering license and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification (LEED). Green consulting is targeted at helping both entrepreneurs and landlords secure a way to improve energy efficiency.


The rate at which electronic waste pile up is quite alarming.  New fax machines, computers, TVs, printers, mobile phones and several other electronic devices get manufactured everyday thereby relegating the old ones to the waste. It is surprising that majority of the personal computers in some countries are categorized as electronic waste.  That is a huge market.  But before you go into this business, ensure that you have some strategic plans in place.



Here we have the list of startup companies in pune.

Happy Roots
Markets and Markets
Plobal Apps
Tork Motors
Repos Energy
Hotfut Sports
111 Start-ups
Dark Reflections



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